Page 90 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 90

• IT box icons appear frequently
                                                                                   in the practices with suggested
                                                                                   websites. We recommend you
                                                                                   visit the websites before the
                                                                                   session to check whether the
                                                                                   contents proposed are useful
                                                                                   for your class planning and to
                                                                                   anticipate questions from your
                                                                                   students. You may also want to
                                                                                   let them explore the websites
                                                                                   freely. These suggestions are
                                                                                   not essential for developing
                                                                                   the social practice of language,
                                                                                   since we know Internet
                                                                                   connection may not be available
                                                                                   at all locations.

                                                                                 Activity 14
                                                                                 • By this point, your students
                                                                                   have already listened to three
                                                                                   different types of monologues
                                                                                   (one of each type mentioned in
                                                                                   Activity 7), to allow comparisons.
                                                                                   We suggest you give extra
                                                                                   time to these discussions, since
                                                                                   this type of activity is the only
                                                                                   opportunity most of them have
                                                                                   to interact with others in English.
                                                                                 • Take advantage of this type of
                                                                                   activity to give input on how to
                                                                                   improve their pronunciation.
                                                                                   Wait until they finish their
               interventions so they don’t become overly cautious. It is important to avoid interrupting them and to
               highlight the positives rather than pointing out their mistakes. They can then build their confidence by
               playing to their strengths, instead of focusing on merely correcting their mistakes.
              Activity 15

              • Remember, the order of the activities is a suggestion. As long as the activity fills the role of creating a sub-
               product (in this case, deciding the topic for your students’ own monologue), you may move it to a place
               that suits your students’ needs and your teaching purposes more neatly.
              • In other practices, we have modeled how to distinguish a topic based on general meaning or contextual
               clues. It is possible that your students have already become used to that sort of activity, that is why in this
               activity we encourage you to foster a more complex way of identifying purpose based on specific words
               and expressions.

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