Page 35 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 35

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            notary schools, 10 schools for fine arts
            and 7 schools for clergyman.                                                           world  news

            With regard to technical instruction, Mr. Vasconcelos
            rejected the pragmatism of the North American school
            defended by Dewey. This does not mean he rejected manual
            labor; he appreciated it without disregarding the necessity
            for reasoning and theoretical knowledge.

            Vasconcelos, while still the director of the University
            Department, created the General Direction for Technical
            Education on March 1st, 1921.

            The following institutions were created by this General
            Direction: the School for Railroad Workers, the School for the
            Textile Industry, the National School for Master Builders,
            the School for Technical Teachers, the Technical School for
            Arts and Trade, the National School for Graphic Arts, the
            Technical School for Typing and the “Gabriela Mistral”
            Home School for Ladies.

            Besides those, there were 88 more technical schools: for
            mining, industry, commerce and arts and trades, 71 public
            schools and 17 private schools.

            In the official Education Policy, an infrastructure enlargement
            was proposed, both an educational extension and an
            improvement in quality and specialization.

            However, in spite of the initial achievements accomplished by
            the Secretariat, limits were imposed on the national reach
            of the vasconcelista project after the presidential succession
            in 1924, which ended in the delahuertista rebellion. While the
            original project continued, it became narrowed in its scope.


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