Page 60 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
P. 60

'Are you sure about the whistle and the sound of falling
              metal?' asked Holmes.

              'I think so,' answered Helen. 'But it was a very wild, stormy
              night. Perhaps I made a mistake.
              The police couldn't understand why my sister died. Her
              door was locked, and nobody could get into her room.
              They didn't find any poison in her body. And what was "the
              speckled band"? Gypsies wear something like that round
              their necks. I think she died because she was so afraid,
              but I don't know what she was afraid of. Perhaps it was the
              gypsies. What do you think, Mr. Holmes?'
                                                                mistake (n.):
              Holmes thought for a minute. 'Hmm,'               error
              he said. 'That is a difficult question. But       poison (n.):
              please go on.'
              'That was two years ago,' Helen Stoner said. 'I have been
              very lonely without my sister, but a month ago a dear friend
              asked me to marry him. My stepfather has agreed, and so
              we're going to marry soon. But two days ago, I had to move
              to my sister's old bedroom, because some men are mending
              my bedroom wall, and last night I heard that whistle again!
              I ran out of the house immediately and came to London to
              ask for your help. Please help me, Mr. Holmes! I don't want
              to die like Julia!'
              'We must move fast,' said Holmes. 'If we go to your house
              today, can we look at these rooms? But your stepfather must
              not know.'
              'He's in London today, so he won't see you. Oh, thank you,
              Mr. Holmes, I feel better already.'

                                                               Glossary on
                                                               page 92

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