Page 56 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
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access to education, vocational training and help finding
              a job in their field, retraining, accommodations including
              social housing projects, have safeguards against exploitation
              with respect to rent, social services and access to health
              care, co-operative businesses, the ability to participate in
              and have access to cultural life (Art. 43). Family members
              of migrant workers shall also have access to services equal
              to those of a national of the country in which they are
              employed. (Art. 45).

              •  Violations of employment contracts
              Any violation, by the employer, of a work contract should
              be investigated by competent government authorities in
              the State in which the migrant worker is employed (Art. 54
              (d)). The migrant worker has the same right as a national
              to a fair and impartial hearing by a competent, lawful and
              independent tribunal (Art. 18.1).

              •  Undocumented (illegal) workers’ rights
              Irregular migration provokes even more serious problems
              with regard to human rights abuses, as the Convention
              recognizes. Appropriate action should be taken to assure
              the protection of undocumented workers’ fundamental
              rights and to prevent and eradicate illicit movements and
              the trafficking of migrant workers. Appropriate action should
              be taken against the distribution of incorrect information
              regarding emigration and immigration and to facilitate
              detection and elimination of illegal or illicit movements of
              migrant workers. Sanctions should be imposed on those
              responsible for aiding and conducting such movements as
              well as those who employ illegal migrant workers (Art. 68).


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