Page 59 - @ccess 3 Reader´s Book
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my room is next to Julia's. The rooms all have windows on
            the garden side of the house, and doors which open
            into the corridor. One evening, our stepfather was smoking
            his strong Indian cigarettes in his room. Julia couldn't sleep
            because she could smell them in her room, so she came
            into my room to talk to me. Before she went back to bed,
            she said to me, "Helen, have you ever heard a whistle in the
            middle of the night?"
            I was surprised. "No," I said.                         locked
                                                                    Glossary on
            "It's strange," she said. "Sometimes I hear             whistle
            a whistle, but I don't know where it comes from.         pages
                                                                     92 - 94
            Why don't you hear it?"
            I laughed and said, "I sleep better than you do." So, Julia
            went to her room, and locked the door after her.'
            'Why did you lock your doors?' asked Sherlock Holmes.

            'We were afraid of the wild animals, and the gypsies,'
            she answered.

            'Please go on,' said Holmes.

            'I couldn't sleep that night. It was a very stormy night, with
            a lot of wind and rain. Suddenly I heard a woman's scream.
            It was my sister's voice. I ran into the corridor, and just then
            I heard a whistle, and a minute later the sound of falling
            metal. I didn't know what it was. I ran to my sister's door.
            She opened it and fell to the ground. Her face was white
            and afraid, and she was crying, "Help me, help me, Helen,
            I'm ill, I'm dying!" I put my arms around her, and she cried
            out in a terrible voice: "Helen! Oh my God, Helen! It was the
            band! The speckled band!" She wanted to say more, but she
            couldn't. I called my stepfather, who tried to help her, but
            we could do nothing. And so, my dear, dear sister died.'
                                                           scream (n.): grito

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