Page 114 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 114
How did it go?
35. Read each line carefully. Tick the box that best describes your work
in this practice.
Individual • I can reflect on the use of images
assessment and/or illustrations.
• I can select and paraphrase information.
• I can clarify the meaning of technical
words and expressions.
• I can explain why information is added
or deleted in a text.
36. How do we assess the following aspects of our infographic?
Making an • It uses information from various sources
infographic and clarifies technical terms.
• It paraphrases information to explain the
operation mechanism of a machine.
• It contains attractive images and other
graphic resources.
37. What is your partner’s global impression about your performance
in the making of the poster?
Partner Aspects to improve
38. What is your teammates’ global impression about your performance
in this unit?
assessment Aspects to improve
We have arrived at the end of this practice.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 6 113