Page 125 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 125

18. Read the two versions of Rosa Parks’ anecdote and draw each scene
                         described in your notebook.

                                    Version A                                   Version B
                        “I was in the front seat of the colored    “I was in the back of the bus, in the colored
                        section on a bus. The white section, in front   section. I was sitting behind the white
                        of me, was full and there were no seats    people and all the seats were taken. A
                        available. So, I was supposed to stand up   white man demanded to sit where I was,
                        and let a white man take my seat. But I    but I refused to give up my seat.”
                        didn’t want to give it up.”

                         • Discuss if the settings changed depending on the version.

                     19. Provide another answer to the questions by using different expressions.

                            Question                     Answer A                        Answer B
                    Where was Rosa Parks       She was in the colored section.
                    sitting on the bus?
                    Why did the white man      Because there were no more
                    want Rosa’s seat?          seats available in the
                                               white section.

                    Did Rosa give up her seat?  No, she didn’t want to give it up.

                 For our anecdote

                     20. Tell your anecdote and think about questions that will let you find
                         out more about it. Write them in your notebook.                         Remember

                         •  Use the short paragraph you wrote in Activity 16. Look              Open-ended

                            at the example.                                                     questions are
                                                                                                formed by using
                     Example:                                                                   wh-words. They
                                                                                                require more
                    a.   What were you thinking before the competition started?                 than a one-word
                                                                                                answer, they are
                    b.   Were you nervous?                                                      longer and are
                    c.   How were you able to concentrate?                                      also more helpful
                                                                                                in finding out
                    d.   What did you think when you saw the score?                             about a person or
                     e.   Did you know what a perfect 10 represented?                           a situation.
                                                                              also (adv.):       We use do/does
                                                                              también            and did with the
                                                                                                 base form of the
                                                                                                 verb to ask Yes/No
                         •  Tell your anecdote and include the questions you just wrote          questions for the
                                                                                                 present simple and
                            in the conversation.
                                                                                                 past simple forms.

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