Page 127 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 127
Continue Activity 23 below
For our anecdote
How were you able to concentrate?
I think I was prepared for that and I was telling myself the whole time, “This is the Olympics. I
cannot make a mistake. This is one shot.” When it was my turn, I did whatever I planned to do,
and whatever I trained to do.
What did you think when you saw the score?
At first, I was confused because the scoreboard displayed “1.00” because they believed it
was impossible to receive a perfect 10, thus the scoreboard was not programmed to display
that score. Soon I understood what had happened and I was very happy.
24. Convert the sentences from Wangari Maathai’s anecdote into a new version.
Direct and indirect speech 1. have firewood.” Example: I heard many rural women
• Use direct speech if the sentences are in indirect, and vice versa.
Look at the example.
Original version
New version
I heard many rural women complain, “We don’t
complain that they didn’t have firewood.
They also complained, “We don’t have
2. enough water.”
The women answered that they would plant They also
The women answered,
session 8 4. to plant a tree. I said,
3. trees, but they didn’t know how.
I said that I didn’t think you needed a diploma
We said that if we gave them seeds, they
5. would become dependent on us. We said,
Being Through ◗ Direct speech repeats the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in
Language writing, we place the words spoken between quotation marks (“…”) and there is
no change in these words. Indirect speech is usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change
the tense of the words spoken. We use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask', and we may use the word
'that' to introduce the reported words. Inverted commas are not used. Look at the example below. Can
you see that the two sentences give the same information?
Direct speech:
• They said, “To plant a tree, you need a diploma.”
Indirect speech:
• They said that to plant a tree, you need a diploma.
126 Studentʼs Book / Practice 7