Page 148 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 148

Continue Activity 25 below

                            British                       Russian                          Japanese

                4.   Indian or Ceylonese            Black                      Green
                 5.  Whole                          Whole
                                                    Samovar, teapot, spoon, cup Tea-caddy, spoon, kettle, dipper, whisk
                 6.   Kettle, teapot, spoon, cup                                Pottery and bamboo
                 7.   Metal and pottery             Metal, glass or pottery     Add boiling water to powdered
                 8.   Add boiling water to tea      Add boiling water to tea
                                                    leaves. Let the concentrate  tea. Stir the mixture with a
                      leaves. Let it brew for a                                 whisk until it is frothy.
                      couple of minutes. Pour in a cup.  brew. Pour some of the   Drink immediately.

                      Add milk. Drink immediately.   concentrate in a cup. Add
                                                     boiling water and sugar.

                        26. Include the Mexican culture in the chart you made in Activity 25.

                            •  Add another column to answer the questions and analyze the cultural details from
                              the Mexican perspective.
                        27. Write some sentences contrasting or comparing the cultural details from the
                           Venn diagram about tea in Activity 21.

                            •  Use the appropriate expression to link them. Look at the example.

                                         Compare                                      Contrast

                             alike         likewise      similar to  as opposed to different from       but

                                        not only- but                    on the
                           as well as                     similarly                    however         while
                                            also                        contrary
                                                                      on the other
                         compared with    resemble     the same as                    in contrast     although

                           either- or       both           too         instead of      less than     more than


                            a.  British tea is made in small quantities, the same as Japanese tea.

                            b.  The British use a teapot to make tea. In contrast, Russians make it in a samovar.

                                                                                Continue this activity on the next page

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