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P. 153
Practice 9 A Penny for Your Thoughts
Academic and educational environment
SOCIAL LANGUAGE PRACTICE: Write down points of view to participate in a round-table discussion.
In this practice, you will learn how to write points of view
to participate in a round-table discussion on an issue
Warm-up stage from the Civic and ethics educational environment.
1. Listen to the conversation on Track 49. Discuss the answers to the
following questions. TRACK 49
• How would you answer to the girl on the track?
Things I know. Planning our product
• What is her source? Can it be trusted? Why?
• Is defending yourself a human right? Why do you think so?
• What are the boys’ views on this? Do you agree with any of them? Why?
deem (v.): considerar
For our round-Table keen (adj.): entusiasmado,
interesado, empeñado en
2. Share the civic and ethical topics you know about. Make a list of those you
deem suitable for a round-table.
• Give the reasons you chose those topics to put forward. Look at the example.
Example: List of topics
I want to discuss this because I want to find out
session 1 1. Teenagers’ rights I am very keen on discussing this topic,
which rights are respected and which are not.
since I don’t think we are on equal
footing with our male classmates.
2. Equality between women and men
I have a soft spot for this topic since we are
students. I want to know if being better educated
helps us exercise our human rights.
3. Education and human rights
• Select a topic for the round-table from the chart above.
152 Studentʼs Book / Practice 9