Page 152 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 152

33. Discuss the cultural traditions described in the  essays you selected.
                                                                                                        TRACK 48
                            •  Use the comparative chart you made in Activity 32 as a guide.
                            •  Listen to the track and use it as an example.                                       session 12

                                                        How did it go?

                        34. Read each line carefully. Tick the box that best describes your work in
                           this practice.

                        Individual    •  I can formulate and answer questions
                       assessment        about essays.

                                      •  I can compare and contrast information.

                                      •  I can write sentences to describe
                                         cultural traditions.                                                       Use the comparative chart in a discussion

                                      •  I can discuss cultural details, express
                                         opinions and reach agreements.
                                      •  I can identify factors that help me
                                         understand others.


                        35. How do we assess the following aspects of my improvised monologue?

                        Writing a     •  Did we select a relevant cultural tradition
                       comparative       to compare?
                                      •  Did we select interesting essays?

                                      •  Did we analyze the essays accurately?

                                      •  Did we use the comparative chart while
                                         discussing the cultural traditions?

                        36. What is your partner’s global impression about their performance in
                           this practice?
                          Peer        •  Did we respect our agreements?
                                      •  Did we divide the tasks so everyone had
                                         something to do?
                                      •  Did we pay attention during others’ turn
                                         to speak?

                                      •  Did we pay attention to the discussion?

                                      •  What aspects can we improve as a team?

                                   We have arrived at the end of this practice.

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