Page 183 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 183


                            host (n.): a person who receives or entertains guests.
                            lonely (adj.): isolated, unfrequented or desolate.
                            on the spot (expression): things that are done on the spot are developed at the place
                              you are in and at the time that you are there.
                            pastime (n.): an activity or entertainment which makes time pass pleasantly.
                            reprise (v.): to repeat. To perform, present or state again.
                            sketch (n.): a short humorous piece of acting, usually forming part of a comedy show.
                            smart (adj.): astute, clever or bright, fashionable or chic.
                            soliloquy (n.): a speech in a play in which an actor or actress speaks to himself or
                              herself and to the audience, rather than to another actor.
                            spoils (n.): valuables, rewards or benefits seized by violence.
                            succeed (v.): to accomplish an aim. To have a result according to a specified manner.
                            support (v.): to speak in favor of a motion, or to carry the weight of, or to provide the
                              necessities of life for a person.
                            teasing (adj.): a teasing expression or manner shows that the person is not completely
                              serious about what they are saying or doing.
                            thread (n.): a fine strand, filament or fiber of some material.
                            tickle (n.): when you move your fingers lightly over a sensitive part of someone’s
                              body in order to make him or her laugh.
                            witness (n.): a person who has seen or can give evidence of some event.

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