Page 180 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 180
How did it go?
28. Read each line carefully. Tick the box that best describes your work in
this practice.
Individual • I can analyze topic and purpose.
• I can value the effect of
communicative modalities.
• I can contrast attitudes adopted
by interlocutors.
• I can detect ways to adjust my intonation and
expressions to improve communication.
• I can exchange and value my own
experiences and others’.
• I can clarify the meaning of words.
• I can infer general meaning.
29. How do we assess the following aspects of our poster?
Making a • Did we establish the justification for
complaint our complaint?
• Did we compare expressions to
suggest solutions?
• Did we classify expressions that
demonstrate emotions?
• Did we value attitudes?
• Did we select a relevant repertoire of words
and expressions?
• Did we express the reason and suggest
a solution?
• Did we repair a failed dialogue?
30. We have arrived at the end of this practice What is your teammates’ global
impression about your performance in this unit?
Team Aspects to improve
We have arrived at the end of this practice.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 10 179