Page 178 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 178
Continue Activity 23 below
» Point to the date on the receipt to show
the other person that the product was
bought recently. session 11
» Tilt your head to one side, press your lips
together and look up to show that you are
considering the solution to the problem.
Closure stage-socialization
24. Think about what you would do if some of the following situations happened Strategies to repair the dialogue
while you were making the complaint. Look at the example.
• Communication is interrupted while you are explaining the reason for
the complaint.
• The interlocutor does not understand the first part of the complaint.
• The interlocutor does not understand the solution you suggest to solve
the problem.
Communication is We could also say, “I was
I would tell the interlocutor, telling you before that…”
“As I was saying…” interrupted while you are
explaining the reason for
the complaint.
The interlocutor
does not understand
the first part of the
The interlocutor
does not understand the
solution you suggest to
solve the problem.
• Check your answers with the teacher.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 10 177