Page 94 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 94
Continue Activity 31 below
• Offer new ideas for using body language.
• By now, each member of the team should have her/his own monologue
ready to be presented.
32. Agree on how you are going to present your monologues.
• With your teacher’s help, decide on the following details for the presentation of
your monologues. session 10
Date and time of the
presentation of the improvisation
of monologues
Time for each monologue
System to raffle the theme
of monologues
Genre chosen for improvisation Rules for presenting improvised monologues
For our monologue
33. Write the agreements you reached in your notebook. Look at the example.
Date and time: The School Talent Show will take place on the last Friday of this month,
from 3 to 6 in the afternoon.
Attendees of the School Talent Show: teachers, students and some parents.
Time for each 1:30 to 3:00 minutes
Genre chosen: Stand-up Comedy
Topics: » The fear of speaking in public
» The use of cell phones
» The problems of living alone for the first time
System to raffle The raffle will take place during this class or the one that follows.
a) With the teacher’s help, each team will propose two or three
the themes:
themes for improvisation.
b) All themes will be written on a piece of paper.
c) The papers will be folded and put in a bag or a hat.
d) A member of each team will draw a piece of paper and read it aloud.
e) The teacher will write down the theme that corresponds to each team.
f) Each team has to prepare their improvisation.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 5 93