Page 99 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 99
3. Compare the infographics you reviewed in Activity 1. Write their similarities
and differences in your notebook. Look at the example.
Theme. Purpose. Addressee Both infographics give information Number 1 gives information about
Comparing infographics
how bikes work, while number 2 gives
about bikes.
information about their parts.
4. Comment on whom
infographics are made for. I think they are for people who know
about the topic.
Look at the example.
In my opinion, they’re for everyone, not
Example: only for people who know about the topic.
session 2 Because they use not only text, but also
Why would you say they’re for everyone?
images, making it easier to understand.
5. Read the following purposes for infographics. Decide which sentences
describe an infographic.
• Share and check the answers
to Activities 4 and 5 with
a partner and
exchange opinions.
ideas to
Give change their Show
instructions behavior information
to do about a
complex issue
inf o manner
step by step in a compelling
gr aphic
98 Studentʼs Book / Practice 6