Page 113 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 113
12. Exchange opinions about the reasons you wrote down in the previous activity.
• Choose one and write it in your notebook. Look at the example.
For our discussion free speech
(n.): libre
Opinion: Reasons: expresión
If the school administration 1. According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration
does not allow Lorena to of Human Rights, freedom of speech is a universal
publish her article, her right right we all should have.
to free speech will be 2. Freedom of speech is backed up by our constitution.
affected. 3. We all have the right to share information, opinions
and ideas without fear of punishment.
13. Present the case you described in Activity 8 and your opinions and reasons for
supporting it to the class.
• Ask for and give critical but positive feedback to improve the approach or the
reasons given. Look at the example.
I think your opinion would be better if you said, I believe the reasons
“Publish information about teachers’ tardiness,” are well-stated and they
instead of just saying, “Publish information.” support the opinion.
Distinguishing opinion and fact 14. Choose the human right you are interested in discussing and exchange
opinions about it. Look at the example.
I agree, because
I am interested in discussing the
right to free movement in and
migration is currently
a hot issue.
out of a country.
15. Listen to Track 49 and establish which speakers state an opinion TRACK 49
and which an assessment based on facts.
session 6 • Discuss which speaker states an opinion, which presents an opinion Reader's
• Determine how many speakers you hear on the track.
and a fact, and which gives just a fact. Explain your reasoning. Look
Book page 44
at the example.
Continue this activity on the next page
112 Studentʼs Book / Practice7