Page 21 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 21
19. Ask some questions about what others said in the conversation you had in
Activity 17.
Questions Example:
• Think about how you can ask for more information or rephrase what he or she just
said. Look at the example.
What is
Is coffee the
LUIS: favorite breakfast sweet or a savory
more common: a
What was the
session 9 20. Answer some of the questions from the previous activity. Look at the example.
drink around the
most common food
for breakfast?
For our conversation
What countries have eggs
for breakfast?
The US, Costa Rica, Scandinavia,
Poland, the UK, Australia, Turkey,
Greece, Egypt, and some places in
Asia, such as Vietnam, Myanmar and
the Philippines do.
Remember Where is Scandinavia?
While someone It’s the region that comprises
is having a
conversation with Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
you, ask questions
related to the What is the most common
topic at hand. This way to make eggs?
demonstrates that
you’re listening
and forces you Hard-boiled. The majority of countries
to remain an that eat them for breakfast make
active part of the them this way.
21. Discuss the cultural habit you selected and include the hard-boiled
questions you shared in Activity 19. (adj.): duro
• Modify your comments according to how others react.
• Listen to the track and use it as an example.
20 Studentʼs Book / Practice 1