Page 32 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 32
12. Read the poems you brought to class or those in your
Reader’s Book, pages 15-18.
13. Explain the strategies you used to understand the poems. Reader's session 4
Book pages 15-18
Look at the example.
I created some mental
I read verse. For example, when I read,
images while reading each
the full poem
first. Then, I looked up
the words I didn’t know “Navigating oceans of pain,” I
imagined I was on a boat, lost in
using a dictionary
on the web. open sea.
I read
my case, I
each stanza and
read the title and,
when I found something I
based on that, I made
couldn’t understand, I reread
times. predictions about Comprehension strategies. Rhythm. Letter-sound correspondence
the verse aloud several
the content of
the poem.
You could use the
strategies from
14. Reread the poems from Activity 7. Activities 10 and
11 to understand
• Clap or use an instrument (e.g. a drum) to demonstrate the
the poems you
rhythm in each of them. brought to class,
• Compare the rhythm of the poems and share your opinion focusing on
frequent words
about the emotions it conveys. Look at the example.
or trying to
understand implicit
poem Sonnet 18, it seems
you hear the
like a slow dance, because
each two syllables it sounds harder three syllables it sounds
on the
(stressed). It makes me feel as if
other hand, in the
someone took my hand and
poem Dirty Face, each
walked slowly with me.
a lullaby.
stressed. It is almost like
lullaby (n.):
canción de cuna
convey (v.):
Studentʼs Book / Practice 2 31