Page 92 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 92
How did it go?
28. Read each line carefully. Tick the box that best describes your work
in this practice.
Individual • I am able to discuss information that is
stated in a text.
• I challenge and discuss the validity,
accuracy and credibility of content in a text.
• I check the clues provided and I question
the details.
29. What is your partner’s global impression about your performance while
playing with logic riddles, and making your anthology?
Partner Aspects to improve
30. How do we assess the following aspects of our anthology?
Creating an • Did our anthology offer presentation,
anthology of index, riddles and answer sections?
logic riddles
• Did we respect the design agreements
when preparing the anthology?
• Did we include illustrations in
our anthology?
31. What is your teammates’ global impression about your performance
in this practice?
Assessment Aspects to improve
We have arrived at the end of this practice.
Studentʼs Book / Practice 5 91