Page 35 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 35
Migrants should be hopeful, not discouraged;
UN chief recommends ways to maximize
their contributions
11 January 2018 – On Thursday,
United Nations Secretary–General
António Gutierrez laid out his
vision for millions of migrants. He
proposed concrete steps that can
be taken in 2018 to maximize the
contribution already being made
by millions of migrants to our
societies. He further proposed a set
of actions aimed at ensuring that all
migrants’ rights are fully respected,
adding that a global response is
needed when dealing with the
issue of migration. factors. Last year, development aid
At UN headquarters in New was only a third of the nearly $600
York, Mr. Gutierrez introduced his billion migrants remitted.
report, Making Migration Work for The un chief said, “The majority
All, by saying, “Let me emphasize: of migrants live and work legally,”
migration is a positive global however, he also noted that, “others
phenomenon. It powers economic live in the shadows, unprotected by
growth, reduces inequalities, the law and unable to contribute
connects diverse societies and fully to society.”
helps us ride the demographic Although likely to face distrust and
waves of population growth and abuse when they arrive, desperate
decline.” groups of migrants even put their
International development lives in danger when crossing
benefits greatly from the into other countries. Appalling
contributions migrants make. violations of fundamental rights
Both the work they do and the and humanitarian crises affect
remittances they send back to those migrating, but also affect
their home countries are important the public’s perception of migration.
growth (n.):
34 Reader's Book (n.): remesa