Page 36 - @ccess 2 Reader´s Book
P. 36
It is incorrectly seen as out of document which forms the basis
control, which leads to increased for final negotiations
suspicion and policies that aim The un chief stresses that:
to impede rather than expedite “The basic challenge before us
human movement. is to maximize the benefits of
Moreover, by obstructing migration rather than obsess
pathways to migration, about minimizing risks: we
authorities actually harm their have a clear body of evidence
own economy. The barriers they revealing that, despite
impose affect their ability to many real problems, migration
hire workers legally and in an is beneficial both for migrants
orderly fashion. and host communities in
“Worse still, they unintentionally economic and social terms – our
encourage illegal migration,” overarching task is to broaden
said Mr. Gutierrez. He further the opportunities that migration
noted that when denied legal offers to us all.”
channels, aspiring migrants It simultaneously highlights
inevitably travel using irregular the important role of all
methods, increasing their those affected – including
vulnerability and undermining governmental and legal bodies,
governmental authority. families, the private sector,
He added that in order to regional organizations, media
end the abuse of migrants and outlets, academic communities
erase the stigma of illegality, and the migrants themselves.
governments should open more In order to support the
legal channels for migration, implementation of the Global
as well as developing policies Compact, the report states
which take into account that the un system needs to be
human mobility. placed and equipped
In his report, Secretary-General to manage, in particular,
Gutierrez calls for cooperation its oversight.
in implementing the proposed “I stress my determination to
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly strengthen how we work on
and Regular Migration, with its this issue, consistent with my
declarations, commitments and proposed management reforms
its grounding in human rights. and strengthening of the un
The report is also his primary development system,” said
input to the 'zero draft' – the Mr. Gutierrez.
Glossary on
page 92
Reader's Book 35