Page 77 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 77
Activity 14
• Here the focus is to move to the
main ideas. Pieces of news
tend to be quite succinct
(space costs, due to the cost per
column inch or server space for
digital journals), so reporters
have to say the most they can in
as few lines as possible.
• Help your students find the
answers. Bear in mind that due
to constrained space (which
we just mentioned), a sentence
may conflate two or more
statements, so it will be difficult
to determine exactly which
question is answered.
• Your students may use, as we
did in the example, different
colors to point out which
question is answered. Do not
worry, as we said in a previous
tip, if not all the questions
can be answered for a piece
of news.
Activity 15
• You may want to help your
students proofread these notes,
so when they compose the
final version of their chart, the
information will be precise and
they can go straight to writing the final version without preparing drafts. In order to do so, you could
check the tips from the practices within the Academic and Educational environment in which we address
how to edit and review written texts.
• The order of the questions is not important (for example, it does not matter if the first item on the chart
is the answer to what and then to who), but rather, that the answers match the questions. Remember that
sometimes it will not be easy to split answers into the Five W’s.
76 Teacher’s Book / Practice 4