Page 95 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 95
Activity 24
• One way to adapt this
checkpoint is to transform it into
a rubric. In order to do so, keep
the columns as they are and just
add descriptions for
each square.
• As always, you may change this
assessment tool for another you
think is more appropriate for
your students’ needs.
• The checkpoint, as we have
mentioned, may be moved to
an earlier point if necessary. It
is not advisable to postpone it
since it won’t have a formative
impact if it is done later.
• Even if time is short, do not skip
the checkpoint. In the syllabus,
assessment is tool to foster
self-growth (not a punitive,
resultative exercise), so try to
give ample time to carry out
this activity.
Activity 25
• At this stage, it is important to
stimulate creativity, so don’t fret
much about what kind of words
and expressions your students
are writing, unless they are
offensive. However, if the topic is
well-chosen, that kind of expression should not appear.
• As the information box states, the genre will not be evident at this stage. Genre is revealed when the
expressions, the structures, the voice and other factors are thrown in and they are made to work together.
So, the mere words and expressions, taken in isolation, won’t make anyone laugh (at least not at this point).
Help your students realize this, so they don’t get discouraged. As we have stated elsewhere, the product is
built step by step.
94 Teacher’s Book / Practice 5