Page 92 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 92

Activity 19
                                                                                 • You may want to fuse this activity
                                                                                   with the previous one, so that
                                                                                   as soon as your students finish
                                                                                   their discussion, they write their
                                                                                 • If you deem it necessary,
                                                                                   you may add a checkpoint
                                                                                   here, using the assessment
                                                                                   instruments included in this
                                                                                   book and adapting them to suit
                                                                                   this practice.
                                                                                 • As you may notice, the warm-
                                                                                   up stage in this practice is
                                                                                   considerably longer than
                                                                                   in other practices because
                                                                                   improvisation itself requires
                                                                                   less time. However, remember
                                                                                   you may shorten or even
                                                                                   lengthen the time allocated for
                                                                                   each activity according to your
                                                                                   students’ needs.

                                                                                 Activity 20                         TT
                                                                                 • Help your students to
                                                                                   understand what is said at the
                                                                                   beginning of each monologue,
                                                                                   so they can compare them. Use    racks 31, 32 and 33
                                                                                   the transcript if necessary.
                                                                                 • Students do not need to write
               the answers in the same way we give them, provided the idea remains the same (for example categorical
               statement may be expressed as “something said very clearly and showing no doubt”).
              • The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
               remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
               established with your students.

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 5  91
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