Page 96 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 96

Activity 26
                                                                                 • Your students may want to reuse
                                                                                   the words and expressions
                                                                                   from the previous activity
                                                                                   to create their own ideas. If
                                                                                   necessary, provide them with
                                                                                   others, but try to supervise
                                                                                   this stage rather than lending
                                                                                   a hand at every single step,
                                                                                   so your students face the task
                                                                                   of really improvising. In real
                                                                                   life communicative situations,
                                                                                   they will have to improvise
                                                                                   everything without having
                                                                                   the time to prepare, so it is
                                                                                   important to leave your students
                                                                                   to their own devices while
                                                                                   giving feedback and constant
                                                                                   encouragement, focusing on
                                                                                   their strengths.
                                                                                 Activity 27

                                                                                 • The structure may be more
                                                                                   complicated than the example
                                                                                   we give. If your students are
                                                                                   absorbed in the task, they may
                                                                                   want to try out more complex
                                                                                   structures. For example:
                                                                                   ◗  Fragmented- With this
                                                                                     structure, the monologue
                                                                                     gives the consequence of
                                                                                     an action, and then for each
                 action, it goes backwards to explain what provoked it.
               ◗  Reverse chronological order- In this case, the monologue starts in the “present” and then it retells the
                 events that preceded it one at a time.
               ◗  Stream of consciousness- In this case, there is an association of ideas that moves around many topics, as
                 if the monologist were talking while half asleep.
              • RB Box can either extend the current practice or provide material for developing it. If you have enough
               material, take time during the practice to go through the Reader’s Book to foster curiosity and improve
               reading skills.

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 5  95
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