Page 103 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 103

Activity 17
              • This practice has two moments
               for assessment before it ends.
               It is important to focus on
               assessment as a formative tool
               (rather than as a tool to
               check results).
              • Formative assessment is an
               action that should be carried
               out many times throughout the
               practice. That will allow your
               students to detect what they
               have learned and into which
               actions they need to put forth
               more effort. For this reason,
               although we only provide
               two activities for formative
               assessment (due to space
               constraints), you may carry
               out as many as you
               deem appropriate.

              • Monitor that your students
               are being honest with their
               classmates and with themselves.
              • Check the students’ answers
               and, if necessary, offer options
               to improve them. For example:
               recognize what the problem
               is (unable to elaborate on and
               interpret important information,
               cannot include detailed
               information selected because of
               its relevance to the topic, etc.); offer solutions (think of other ways of presenting information, include their
               points of view on the subject, identify causes and effects, etc.); implement them.
              Activity 18
              • Ask your students to look for complementary information to broaden and clarify the data they already
               have. One strategy to do so is to organize a group reading to identify and list the verbs that expand their
               information. Write a list on the blackboard so that students can participate.
              • In our example, we show that it is possible to do this activity with just one text. However, it is most useful to
               have three or more texts. That entails deciding on the source of information that results in the best text for
               the report.

              • Use this activity wisely to practice and show strategies for improving your students’ reading skills, such as
               connecting what they already know about the topic and what the text says, visualizing, etc.

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