Page 104 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 104

Activity 19
                                                                                 • One common recommendation
                                                                                   for writing at this and higher
                                                                                   levels is to plan the text.
                                                                                   Diagrams, such as mind maps,
                                                                                   allow students to have ideas,
                                                                                   put events in order and allow
                                                                                   them to double-check
                                                                                   whether they have included
                                                                                   everything in their text. Mind
                                                                                   maps are also valuable tools
                                                                                   to verify that all main ideas or
                                                                                   concepts are included and
                                                                                   to confirm how they are linked,
                                                                                   before the act of writing itself.
                                                                                 • Another recommendation is for
                                                                                   your students to exchange their
                                                                                   mind maps, so they can make
                                                                                   sure they have listed the ideas
                                                                                   necessary to understand what
                                                                                   will be written.

                                                                                 • Other diagrams may be
                                                                                   suitable, or you may want to add
                                                                                   them directly to the timeline.
                                                                                   We suggest keeping them
                                                                                   separate because they can
                                                                                   be used as evidence of your
                                                                                   students’ learning. However, this
                                                                                   will depend on what you and
                                                                                   your students decided on at the
                                                                                   beginning of this practice.

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 6  103
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