Page 108 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 108
Activity 28
Closure stage-socialization
• Because your students have T
practice reading and writing,
they will be able to vary their rack 45
register to suit the purpose
and the addressee established
at the beginning of the
practice. Register should also
be consistent (which is the
most complex issue about this
practice), so their writing, in this
case, becomes natural. It will be
harder to interpret something
with big variations of register
(for example; Cortes was some
guy. He notoriously reaped what
the Aztecs had sown among
indigenous people, which
combines low and high register
in the same paragraph).
• There is something called
neutral register. In fact, register
cannot be neutral, but there
is a way of speaking that can
be easily understood in most
contexts. Whenever in doubt, it
is important that your students
achieve this. Newspapers and
general knowledge magazines
are good instances of this
register. So, if you provide such
materials to your students, they will have valuable input to make adjustments to their text.
• Point out strategies for assessing whether the register used in the report is adequate, for example:
determining age (child, youth, adult), relationship (family, friend, acquaintance, unknown) and social
context ( school, home, etc.).
Activity 29
• At this time, your students could also decide on ways of disseminating their product to others, such as a
poster. Their final version should also take into account the needs of a big-format display. Another option
could be an anthology, as long as it is addressed to someone else (otherwise, it becomes a task for the
classroom library and its impact on the public cannot be known).
Teacher’s Book / Practice 6 107