Page 98 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 98

Activity 4 (continues)
                                                                                 •  Divide your students into teams
                                                                                    to work together throughout
                                                                                    the practice. Remember to
                                                                                    change partners from practice
                                                                                    to practice, so they experience
                                                                                    working with different people.
                                                                                    Ask them to think about
                                                                                    the reasons for choosing a
                                                                                    determinate historical event,
                                                                                    because it should be the basis
                                                                                    for their team’s agreements
                                                                                    throughout the practice. It is
                                                                                    also important to remind them
                                                                                    that the established addressee
                                                                                    will define the scope of their
                                                                                    historical report.
                                                                                 •  They may give broader reasons
                                                                                    for their decisions when
                                                                                    speaking rather than writing. Be
                                                                                    sure to give students enough
                                                                                    time to practice writing their
                                                                                    reasons, since that will help
                                                                                    them build more complex
                                                                                    structures, which will be useful
                                                                                    when going beyond B1.
                                                                                 •  RB Box can either extend the
                                                                                    current practice or provide
                                                                                    material for developing it. If
                                                                                    you have enough material, take
                                                                                    time during the practice to go
                                                                                    through the Reader’s Book to
                                                                                    foster curiosity and improve
                                                                                    reading skills.
              Activity 5
              • Make sure your students identify the three steps of the study plan and that they understand each activity
               to be completed. Ask a student to read the tasks out loud so they can understand the activities they will
               complete in order to produce their report. You could instead provide some time to read it silently and then
               have students ask their questions.
              • Remember that this is a good time to show your students the final version of a report, as shown in
               Activity 29. That way, your students will have an idea of what they’re aiming for. This is useful for giving
               them an idea of what they want to accomplish and help them check which activities will take more time,
               which can be skipped, and which can be done in a different order. Remember, the book is to help you, not
               constrain you.

              • If possible, show your students more examples of reports. Have them work with different textual features
               (typeface, letter size, with/without headings, etc.) so they can compare them and have ideas that will be
               useful to them later when they create their own report.

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