Page 109 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 109

Activity 29 (continues)
              • The model of a report includes
               pictures. Since this is not the
               focus of this practice, there was
               no specific activity to model
               how to choose pictures and
               images. However, details that
               should be considered, if your
               students want to include them,
               are: relevance to the topic, size,
               quantity, color/black and white
               and photographs or illustrations
               (when both options are
               available, obviously, for events
               prior to the middle of the 19th
               century, the only option
               is illustrations).
              • Another thing that was not
               emphasized was rearranging
               the size and position of the title
               and headings. You may also
               choose to alter the type size
               and font used.
              Activity 30
              • You may suggest that your
               students use options from other
               practices for disseminating
               the product.
              • If they have established an
               addressee different from
               themselves, make sure they
               deliver it to them.

              • Another option, if possible, is to perform a public reading using the PA system. Collaborative efforts can
               help make English another language in the school’s daily practice as are all the mother tongues spoken by
               your students.
                   Translate icon / Additional definitions: hinder from (v.): obstaculizar (dificultar, entorpecer)

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