Page 126 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 126
Activity 2
• Go through the example with
students and allow enough T
time for them to complete
the activity. rack 50
• Remind students that the two
book covers that appear in
the SB work as examples and
provide some clues about what
they should observe on the
book covers they are working
with. Ask them to identify the
elements that are relevant to
their own covers, since not all of
these will apply.
• Remind them that they can
make a chart in their notebook,
or you can photocopy the book
covers in advance in order for
students to write on them.
• If you were able to bring some
other books, include them in
the analysis.
• Remind them to consider the
previous activity, what they
already know about the titles
and the textual and graphic
components on the covers.
• Play the track and encourage
students to check if they
noticed the same elements the
interlocutors on the track
are discussing.
• Elicit if they agree with the discussion that serves as an example and encourage them to have a
conversation of their own.
• Choose a detail from one of the book covers and encourage students to comment on it.
• If students get stuck or the discussion ends suddenly, you can play the first part of the track and use it
to continue talking about that particular topic. Then, continue playing the track and pause it again so
students can comment on the second part, and so on.
• Help them determine the topic, purpose, and addressee of the books.
• Encourage them to think about what type of people would like the books, and not just to say if they are
for children or adults.
• Go through the REMEMBER with them.
• The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes
you established with your students.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 125