Page 129 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 129
Activity 5 (continues)
• Encourage students to observe
the covers and use the
highlighted elements as a
rack 51 supposed to analyze. Point out
guide to what they are
the contrasting colors, the types
T of illustrations that appear, and
the keywords that allow them to
identify the addressee.
Activity 6
• Start a conversation about the
details students highlighted
in the previous activity and
those that should be taken into
account when delimiting the
addressee of their comic strip.
• Go through the example with
students and encourage
them to provide other
pertinent elements.
• Allow some time for students to
complete the activity.
• Have examples of relevant
books in hand to model the
similarities and differences
(i.e. the size of the font is not
the same for teenagers and
students who are just starting
to read).
• Elicit why it is important to
determine the addressee of their comic strip in the early stages. They should be able to respond that the
product depends directly on the addressee, so they should know to whom it is addressed, in order to plan
and develop
the product.
Activity 7
• Go through the example with students and tell them to check if the publishing data is the same as what is
modeled in Activity 4.
• Guide students through the steps for writing the reference of a book.
• If you need help on how to write the bibliography dependent on the source, check the following link: http://
• Elicit why is it important to have all the information in one place. Their answers may vary, but they should
be able to respond that these are the main points for delimiting a product, and that they should keep them
in mind at all times while developing it.
• Ask a few volunteers to write the reference of the book they chose.
• Tell them to recount the steps when writing the reference. They should say that the author’s last name goes
first, then the first name. The year of publication goes next, in brackets. The title follows, in italics. Then, the
place of publication and the publishing house, separated by a colon (:).
128 Teacher’s Book / Practice 8