Page 128 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 128
Activity 4 (continues)
• Elicit the reasons for choosing
one story over the others.
They can all choose one novel
and each team can work on a
chapter or make several
comic strips from different
short stories.
• Help them decide on the best
option to work on throughout
this practice.
• Model the activity and
go through the example
with students.
• Pick some of the books they
selected and encourage them
to read the copyright page and
elicit the information presented
on it.
• Allow some time for students to
complete the activity with the
book they selected.
• Ask them if they have all the
information needed and if it was
easy to find.
Activity 5
• Encourage students to identify
the elements in the comic
books that could help them
determine the addressee for
each one.
• Remind them about the discussion they had in Activity 2, as there should be details that can be taken from
that activity.
• Make sure they are looking for differences such as: colors, fonts, title, illustrations, etc.
• Play the track so they can check their answers.
• Allow some time for them to complete what they did with what the interlocutors commented.
• Encourage students to carry on with the discussion.
• Remind them to use the elements they highlighted before.
• Don’t worry if they give arguments similar to the ones on the track. The purpose of this activity is for them
to be able to discuss and support their evidence-based opinions with others.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 8 127