Page 65 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 65

Activity 32
              • Advantages and disadvantages
               of the type of album students
               choose may include the
               availability of materials as well
               as time. As always, keep in
               mind that the product is the
               text and not the material, so if
               necessary, it is more important
               to allocate time to writing the set
               of instructions than to making
               the album.
              • The opinions may be about any
               graphic or textual component.
               They are useful for checking the
               processes and strategies your
               students follow when dealing
               with texts.

              • Help your students express their
               opinions of the different ideas.
               One strategy is to write a few
               expressions for linking the oral
               discourse, to be used at your
               students’ discretion.

              Activity 33
              • The criteria for organizing
               the index of the album may
               not include putting entries in
               alphabetical order (for example,
               it may be possible to put the
               index for physics before the
               one for chemistry), but it should
               contain all the related experiments.

              • The index of names may be organized using the initial letter of the first name or the initial letter
               of the surname.

              • Indices sometimes go at the beginning and sometimes at the end of a book. That is a question of style, but
               is rather more useful to include it at the beginning.

              Activity 34
              • Crafting the album should not take longer than writing the set of instructions.
              • The strategy of using an “assembly line” may be followed if you have small groups for developing the
               whole product.
              • After finishing the product, if there is time available, your students can read about the discovery of
               penicillin in their Reader’s Book. This is an informative text, so all recommendations about technical
               concepts apply, for example, using a dictionary or medical websites to clarify anything they are unsure of.

                   Translate icon / Additional definitions:

              -  bind (v.): engargolar (encuadernar)
              -  yarn (n.): estambre (hilo, historia, cuento)

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