Page 61 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 61

Activity 22
              • The best course of action is
               to show an experiment, using
          rack 23  and then ask the students to
               either pictures or a video,
               follow the steps to compose the
           T   instructions. Another option is
               to choose a written experiment
               and rewrite the instructions
               for a specific addressee. Both
               options are possible, although
               we suggest the first one.
              • So that everyone has the
               opportunity to voice their opinion,
               be sure to schedule enough
               time so that all your students can
               speak. Also, students should have
               strategies to interrupt politely and
               be aware of the time they spend
              Activity 23

              • If your students are having
               difficulty  coming up with a title,
               you could write words related
               to the experiments on the board
               for them.
              • The title can be adjusted at a
               later stage, so you can keep the
               discussion about it in check with
               regard to time.

              Activity 24
              • Show students strategies that allow them to understand what to ask and how to ask questions, for example:
               think about the list of materials (What materials are there? How much do they need?); decide the order
               of steps (Which one goes first? Which comes last?); recognize the use of materials (What is it for? When
               should we do this?). Point out the differences between the many ways of asking questions.
              • The more precise the questions, the more accurate the steps will be, so help your students to create as
               many precise questions as they can for this activity.
              • Help your students make connections between the way in which they ask questions for this and other
               practices. That way, they can consolidate what they already know about how to ask questions. If possible,
               they can record themselves, which will help them to take note of and improve their pronunciation.

              Activity 25
              • Remind your students to add the correct quantities and use the abbreviations they need for the measurements.
              • Materials are usually listed in the order they will be used, but the most important material is generally
               listed first, irrespective of when it is used.
              • Another way to do this activity is for some members of the team to write the questions, while others write
               and check the list of materials.

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