Page 63 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 63

Activity 29
              Closure stage-socialization
              • Remind your students to
               keep the sub-products they
               previously completed well
               organized, so that writing
               the draft will be a less time-
               consuming activity.
              • Historically, punctuation was
               developed as a means to give
               clues about how a text should
               be read in order to avoid
               ambiguities. In past times, texts
               did not have punctuation, there
               were no spaces between words
               and there were no lowercase
               letters. The purpose of this
               activity, therefore, is to have
               students reflect upon the use
               of punctuation as a means of
               reducing misunderstandings in
               a written text.

              • This activity complements
               Activity 5, which is about
               making adjustments to format
               after planning a text. Format
               drafts are just as important as
               content drafts.
              • Review what students are
               writing and, if necessary, go
               over the strategies used in the
               activities of the social practice
               with them.

              Activity 30
              • Although it is not necessary to write the details of the correction (which is different from actually making
               the correction), it is a good exercise, since it helps students reflect upon certain features that
               are commonly corrected.
              • Even if your students use the example given in the book as a model, it is important to insist that editing
               should include more details than those therein listed. Thus, it is important to add more details for review.
              • Remind your students that rather than striving for absolute perfection and nitpicking every single detail
               they find, it is more important to achieve a good product overall. Also, this will help them save pointless
               discussions which would be bound to create unnecessary strife among the students.
              Activity 31
              • The final version may include changes of both images and format. These changes are not pointed
               out in the Activity Book, since the focus is on the written text, but they provide added value to your
               students’ work.

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