Page 50 - @ccess 1 Student´s Book
P. 50

11. Write the instructions needed to explain the following in the chart below.

                            a)  How must the word you are looking for in the dictionary be written?

                            b) What are the parts of a dictionary you need to know before you start searching?
                            c)  What do you need to know in order to decide in which section (Spanish or
                              English) to search?

                            d) How can you locate the page where the word you are looking for is written?

                     For our instruction manual

                           Examples                                             Our Instructions
                    Make sure the word you are looking                  a)

                    for is spelled correctly.

                     Identify the two main sections of the dictionary:   b)
                     Spanish-English and English-Spanish.

                     Go to the right section according to the            c)
                     language of the word you are looking up.

                     Look for the pages that begin with the first        d)
                     letter of the word you are looking up.

                         Building stage                                                          A graphic

                                                                                                 component is a
                                                                                                 resource used to
                         12. Look at this dictionary page. Read the name of the different
                                                                                                 stress information.
                            graphic components.                                                 In bilingual
                                                                                                dictionaries,        session 5
                          Antiquity                     14                                      you will find the
                    bold  antiquity [æn'tıkwıtı] n c & u antigüedad.  anyone  woulf  have  reacted  in  the  same   following graphic
                          antiseptic [ͺæn'tı'septık] adj antiséptico.  way  =  cualquiera  hubiera  reaccionado   components:
                          anti-social  [ͺæn'tı'sǝuʃl]  adj  1  antisocial   igual.             bold, bullets,
                          (comportamiento,  coatumbre).  2  insocia-  anyplace  [ˡenıpleıs]  adj  EE  UU  en  cual-  italics, symbols,
                          ble (persona).                  quier sitio, en cualquier lado.      parentheses.
                          antitheft [antı'ɵeft] adj antirrobo.  anything  [ˡenıɵıŋ]  indef  pron  1  (en  fra-
                          antithesis  [æn'tıɵısıs,  pl  æn'tıɵısı:z]  (pl   ses negativas) nada, ninguna cosa: the-
              [ ] square   antitheses) n c & u antítesis.  re isnʼt anything in the cupboard = no hay   numbers
                bracket   antler [ˡæntlǝr] n u 1 asta. ● antlers n pl 2   nada en el armario. 2 (en preguntas) algo:   italics  bullets
                                                          is  there  anything  left?  =  ¿queda  algo?
                                                                                                            page 182
                          anvil [ˡænvıl] n c yunque.      3  cualquier  cosa  (objeto,  acción):  buy       Glossary on   Special characters
                          anxiety  [æŋˡzaɹətı]  n  u  1  ansiedad  (es-  anything you like = compra lo que te gus-
                          tado de tensión). 2 ansia, anhelo (deseo   te.  4  cualquier  (cantidad,  número):  the   ( )
                          intenso)                        house  costs  anything  between  5  and  8   parentheses
                          anxious [ˡæŋkʃǝs] adj ~ about 1 preocu-  million = la casa cuesta entre 5 y 8 millo-
               ∼ symbol   pado por, inquieto por. ~ + inf 2 ansioso   nes, ● ~  but todo menos: heʼs anything
                          por, deseoso de (intensamente).
                                                          but nice = es todo menos agradable; like ~
                          any [ˡenı] indef adj 1 (en frases negativas)   (infml) a más no poder.  bullet
                          ningún,  ninguna,  ningunos,  ningunas,   anyway [ˡenıwer] adj 1 en todo caso, de
                          nada de: threre arenʼt any sweets left = no  todas formas. 2 en cualquier caso (cambi-
                                                                                        Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 3  49
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