Page 8 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 8

Multimedia resources
                 Throughout the activities, you will find two multimedia resources with different icons:

                                               •  Share the chart you just completed. Exchange opinions on what you
                                                know and what you would like to know about newspapers. Listen    TRACK 21
                                                to and look at the example.
                                                             Yes, but I’d
                                              publish different types   newspapers have the
                                                             like to know if all

                                              of news, such as news
                                              about sporting events  or
                                                             same sections.
                                               politics. That’s why they
                  IT                           have different sections.  Remember
                                                           For our Public Service Announcement
                                                               Newspapers are
                                                               printed or digital
                                                               and they circulate
                                                •  Review the following sections of a newspaper and list  7.  Based on previous activities, put forward your proposals for the target
                                                              news about current
                                                some of the events that they might cover. If you need more  audience of your public service announcement.
                                                              events to the
                                                              general public.
                 This icon provides             space, use your notebook. Look at the example.  Sports •  Register the issue and target audience for your public service announcement
                                                             in your notebook. Look at the example.
                                               Section  Society  Example:
                 suggested websites.          Events      Winners of the   School bullying
                                                                Bullies and victims of bullying
                                                          World Cup.
                                                                             (n.): desnutrición  TRACK 2
                                                           Building stage
                                                            8.  With your teacher’s help, listen to the public service announcement.   TRACK 2
                                                             Comment on your first impressions and complete the following table.
                                                             Look at the example.
                                                •  Find news stories published in printed or electronic newspapers   Malnourishment and obesity
                                                 and bring them to the next class. You may also check the news   PSA topic Book page 31-37
                                                               Length Reader's
                                                                   Example: Music, crying, heavy breathing
                                                 stories in your RB.  (T rack lenght)
                                                IT             Sound effects A mother, a child, male and female announcers  This icon gives you the
                                                We recommend checking the following links to some newspaper websites:  Participants
                                        9.  Listen. Follow the instruction.  TRACKS 3,
                                                                               4 and 5
                                        •  With your teacher’s help, identify the main ideas and write them in your   cue to play a CD track
                                      ]   Main ideas, purpose, addressee  Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 4  63  (your teacher will play it).
                                                              notebook. Look at the example.
                                                                a. Main idea:   Malnutrition is a widespread problem.
                                                                b. Main idea   Some are malnourished, others obese and overweight.
                                                           session 4   c. Main idea   A balanced diet is important in avoiding disease and death.
                                                                            chronic deseases
                                                                            (n.): enfermedades
                                                             Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 1
                 Activity sequence
                 Activities in practices are numbered and organized in a three-stage sequence that allows the
                 elaboration of a language product:
                         Warm-up stage
                                                                         3.  Look at the chart below. Read the activities you will complete in this practice
                                                                          in order to make a public service announcement. Remember to tick each
                                                                          activity as soon as you finish it.
                                                                                           nuance (n.):
                                                                        Week 1             matizar
                 Warm-up stage: where you                                         • Identify daily issues.
                                                                                  W ARM-UP STAGE
                                                                           Express reasons to     • Determine speech situation (family, school, etc.).
                 will find a schedule with steps                           support others.     • Decide on key ideas to support others.
                                                                                  • Define problem to be addressed in a public
                                                                                service announcement.
                                                                                  • Add details to key ideas.
                 and activities to develop        Practice 2  Stories on Stage  Week 2  Check public     • Identify and modify aspects of the voice.
                                                          Ludic and literary environment
                                                                                  BUILDING STAGE
                                                             In this practice, you will perform a dramatic reading
                 a language product.               Social language practice: Read theater plays  announcement     • Vary non-verbal language.
                                                                                 • List vocal details to be used in a public service
                                                             for a selected audience.
                                                                                to ideas.
                                                                                announcement and expressions to bring nuance
                                                                           models to
                                                                           examine details
                                                  Warm-up stage       tool (n.):   needed for     • Affect addressee by changing non-verbal language
                                                                          conveying a
                                                                                and sound effects.
                                                                      (n.): confianza
                                                      Drama is a unique tool used to explore   self-confidence   message.    • Understand consequences of helping others in a
                                                                      worth (adj.):
                                                                               timely fashion.
                                                      and express human feelings. It is an   valor
                                                      essential form of behavior in all cultures;   Week 3  BUILDING STAGE
                                                      it is a fundamental human activity.
                                                      Through drama we use our imagination
                                                  Things I know  and we develop creative self-expression.   Compose a     • Choose strategies to influence others’ opinion.
                                                      When we present a performance to
                                                                               express a message.
                                                                                 • Identify desired effects on addressee to decide how to
                                                      an audience, we improve our decision
                                                      making and problem solving skills. We
                                                                          public service
                                                      understand the world better, we develop
                                                                               repertoires of words and expressions.
                                                      self-confidence, a respect for others and   announcement     • Propose alternatives and action plans by adjusting   Schedule
                                                                          directed to
                                                                                 • Suggest ways of responding to the issue raised.
                                                      an appreciation of their worth.    • Show enthusiasm and empathy by means of
                                                                               non-verbal language.
                                                  session 1   1.  Brainstorm everything you know about drama. Make a collage with names of   Practice showing   CLOSURE STAGE-SOCIALIZATION
                                                                                 • Create a final version of a technical script for a public
                                                                               service announcement.
                                                     plays, genres, actors and actresses, elements in a theater, etc. Use magazines
                                                                       Week 4
                                                     and illustrations. Look at the example.
                                                                          others the
                                                                          public service
                                                                          announcement.    • Have a dress rehearsal before recording or presenting   There is an extra
                                                                               the public service announcement.
                                                                         Show the
                                                                         public service
                                                                         announcement to      schedule you can
                                                                                • Assess the process and product.
                                                                         an audience.
                                                                                              photocopy at the
                                                                                     Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 1
                                                                                              end of your book
                                                                      Reader's                on page 181.
                                                                      Book page 25-30
                                                      •  Look at the few short plays listed in your Reader’s Book on page 21.
                                                   26  Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 2
                                                                                                Student’s Book    7
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