Page 100 - @ccess 3 Student´s Book
P. 100

19. Make a mind map with the main developments of the historical event
                          you registered on your timeline.

                          •  Establish how you are going to use the information you got from the sources to        session 6
                             elaborate on the flow chart, so that it contains contributions from every
                             team member.

                          •  Complete the mind map with the information you chose from the previous activity.
                             Look at the example.

                 For our report

                 Example:                                                                                           Mind maps

                                                 “Cortés             was worried
                                                founded a             that Cortés
                                                settlement           was the god
                                                (Veracruz).”        Quetzalcoatl.”

                                           Cortés         Arrival of        Cortés            conquered
                         “Cortés          conquers        Hernan           advances           some cities
                      escaped from           the          Cortes in        towards          along the way.”
                       Tenochtitlán.”      Aztecs.         1519.         Tenochtitlán.

                          “He put                                                             became the
                        Tenochtitlán                                         Cortés
                       under siege.”       Moctezuma II                     advances         closest allies.“
                                              is killed.                    towards

                        “Historians still       “Nearly two-          “Cortés and his           “He was
                        aren't sure how         thirds of the         men took King          welcomed with
                         he was killed          soldiers were          Moctezuma.”
                           or why.”                killed.”


                                                                 Respect other teams’ viewpoint on
                                                                 historical events. Respect is essential to
                                                                 foster learning in class.

                                                                                       Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 6  99
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