Page 74 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 74

16. Identify in which parts of the story the reporter speaks and in which the
                           reporter’s source of information speaks.  Look at the example.

                             Example:                                                                              session 8

                            Publication 1                                              This part is said by the

                            According to Stefan Rahmstorf, who was in charge of        reporter. It does not
                                                                                       use quotation marks.
                            research on climate change in the Postdam Institute in
                            Germany, “risk of extreme heat has multiplied due to the      The  part in

                            effects of human activity on Earth.”                          quotation marks is
                                                                                          said by the source
                                                                                          of information.           Indirect and direct speech

                        17. Analyze and compare how the news stories are presented.
                                                                                                        TRACK 26
                            •  Statements by the sources of information. Listen to and look
                              at the example.

                    Publication 1 presents
                    what a source of
                    information says between
                    quotation marks.
                                                                                       True. Publication 2 also has
                                                                                       what a source of information
                                                                                       says, but in an indirect way:
                                                                                       A British physicist
                                                                                      recommends taking…

                            •  Events narrated. Look at the example.

               In publication 2, there is a list of                                   Yes, I see it. Look here, at the end
               the consequences of climate                                            of publication 1, the reporter
               change, which makes you think                                          states a solution, maybe taken
               about the problem.                                                    from scientists’ statements.

                                                                                       Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 4  73
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