Page 71 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 71

Continue Activity 10 below
                                                                                 impending (adj.):
                     Publication 2.                                              inminente
                                                                                 drought (n.): sequía

                      Thursday January 4, 2018

                      EARTH’S CLIMATE: iMPEnding CATASTROPHE
                      Water shortages, droughts, heatwaves and  According to British physicist Stephen
                      floods will cause a high number of deaths.  Hawking, if global warming persists,
                                                             Earth will become a living hell. He
                      Climate change can lead to ocean and
                      land temperature increases, as well as   recommends taking immediate action
                      rising sea-levels, loss and reduction of   to fight against climate change, which, in
                      polar caps, increase in the severity of   his words, is a global threat.
                      droughts due to lower precipitation and  To avoid dangerous and potentially
                      stronger heat waves, hurricanes and    catastrophic changes, scientists agree
                      floods, according to specialists.      it is important to keep increasing
                                                             temperatures below a 2ºC margin. Thus,
                      Climate change has also led to an
                      increase in mosquito-borne diseases,   it is essential
                      such as malaria, which causes around   to lower the
                      600,000 deaths per year.               consumption
                                                             of coal,
                      Moreover, as glaciers melt, water      gas and oil
                      shortages are more common for people  to avoid a
                      around the world who need water for    planetary
                      daily sustenance and crop raising.     catastrophe.

                         •  Exchange what you know about the mentioned fact or event. Listen to

                            and look at the example.                                                 TRACK 25

                I know that hurricanes and
                hot and cold seasons                                                 Yes, two powerful hurricanes
                get worse every year. This                                           also made landfall here. My
                fall was unseasonably                                                house got flooded and we
                cold, while spring was                                               ended up in a public shelter.
                unseasonably cold, too.

                                                                                                   (adv.): fuera de

                     11. Compare the headlines in your pieces of news to establish:

                         •  Which one best allows the prediction of the content of the news story.
                         •  Which headline is catchier.
                         •  Which one best reflects the content of the story.
                         •  Give reasons for your choices. If you are unsure of how to do this, go back
                            to Activity 6.

           70      Studentʼs Book  /  Practice 4
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