Page 101 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 101
Practice 6
A well-oiled
Activity 1
• Have your students look
carefully at the different
infographics. Ask them if they
are familiar with them. If there
are some students that are
actually familiar with them, help
them share what they already
know. If there aren’t, help them
express what they would like
to know about the workings of
a bicycle.
• Help them to express the
differences that they see in the
two infographics. Then, have
them check whether or not the
contents are clear, and if they
can easily find the link between
the title and the image.
• Give students time to compare
the images, and then the
time they need to complete
the writing portion of the
activity. Both will activate prior
knowledge about infographics.
• Go to Track 60 and use the visual resources to support your teaching strategies.
100 Teacher’s Book / Practice 6