Page 104 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 104

Activity 6

                                                                                 • Textual components refer to
                                                                                   what you see written on the
                                                                                   page: title, notes, words, and the
                                                                                   way in which they are displayed,
                                                                                   that is, the typographic
                                                                                   resources used, such as bold,
                                                                                   highlighting, different typefaces
                                                                                   and font size.
                                                                                 • If you think it might be useful
                                                                                   for their own infographic, allow
                                                                                   students to explore the other
                                                                                   infographics you may have
                                                                                   brought to class.
                                                                                 • The idea of this activity is
                                                                                   to have a written register of
                                                                                   what happens when you have
                                                                                   different textual components.
                                                                                   However, if this is not possible
                                                                                   due to time constraints, you may
                                                                                   help your students by having
                                                                                   them dictate their conclusions
                                                                                   to you.
                                                                                 • As in other practices,
                                                                                   information boxes (such as
                                                                                   Remember, Take a note and
                                                                                   Being through the language)
                                                                                   are useful if your students need
                                                                                   a more formal explanation of
                                                                                   concepts. The authors of this
                                                                                   book mention them whenever
               it is necessary, but since the sequence of activities is open to modification, we do not intend these
               information boxes to be compulsory elements for planning your class. Indeed, these suggestions are
               optional, and any of these tips can be adapted based on your experience and your students’ needs).
              Activity 7

              • Make sure the teams include the right information on their charts.  As this product will define the main
               features of their infographic, emphasize the fact that they have to be sensible and practical in choosing
               their machine and define the purpose of their infographic wisely. However, if they want to deal with a
               complex machine, you may want to divide the sections among the teams. Remember, the higher your
               expectations are, the more your students will develop their level of proficiency in English.
              • One main consideration is where they will find information on the machine they will choose. Remind your
               students that they may use the information in the Reader’s Book if there is no other information available
               for designing their infographic.
              • Help your students to choose a suitable machine. While weapons or such may be interesting for students
               in this age range, making an infographic on those kinds of machines is not advisable.

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