Page 107 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 107

Activity 12 (continues)
              • Students may already be
               familiar with criteria for
               choosing information. If they
               have experience in this area,
               you may move to the next step
               in the sequence. Remember,
               what this book proposes is
               a number of basic steps and
               strategies for dealing with
               your own choices, so if a step
               is already achieved, you lose
               nothing by skipping it.
              •  It is useful to have the list in
               writing so that your students
               can quickly cross-check their
               sources and therefore have
               more time for researching
               the facts.

              Activity 13
              • You may help your students
               register some of the details
               they already know, since that is
               helpful as additional information
               for their infographic at a later
               point. The way in which they
               originally explain their machine
               is a means of making
               their explanation
               more understandable.
              • Try to give students free rein in
               this discussion about what they already know. Try not to correct them on factual issues (since that is one of
               the purposes of doing research). These discussions are by far one of the most important factors for your
               students to develop confidence while speaking.
              • Remember the notion of orderly chaos we mentioned in an earlier tip. A common tendency when students
               are working in groups is to feel you are about to lose control. We recommend you go along with the
               dynamic. If you let your students take control from time to time, they will develop autonomy more easily
               than if you want to control their every action.
              Activity 14

              • Students may be familiar with formats for registering sources. Give your group an example of book,
               magazine or web page references, so they can use them as models when elaborating their own.
              • Reliability of sources is an important issue. The purpose of having your students work with more than the
               sources we provide is so they can actually compare information and see whether it is reliable or not.
              • When using the web, it is important to recognize sites with paid content or ads within webpages which are
               easy to follow, but that may provide researchers with more of the same information. One way to avoid this
               is by using different search engines or even metasearch engines (a metasearch engine is a type of website
               that pulls together the results from different search engines and filters them to avoid repeated information).

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