Page 109 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 109
Activity 18
• This activity is intended both as
self-assessment and as a way to
develop metacognition.
• Try to make time for this activity,
not only for the students to
write their comments, but also
to go through their answers. If
the group is too big, you may
want to change this format and
develop it as a team activity.
• Remember that you may reuse
any format from other practices
if you consider it suitable, as
well as the formats included in
this Teacher’s Book.
Activity 19
• We use focusing on unknown
concepts as a means of making
inferences, thus enhancing
comprehension. There are
a number of strategies that
can be used instead, such
as generating questions,
summarizing, using graphic
organizers or thinking aloud.
• Remind your students that the
fact a certain strategy may
not have been useful for this
practice does not mean is
useless for every practice.
• Try not to rush this activity nor
the following one, so students can give their
insights on how they cope with reading.
Activity 20
• This task is about metacognition. When one is faced with something new, showing how one deals with it is
implicitly a way to self-assess and to make an impact on others, since learning is done collaboratively.
• Remind your students to not only tell how they read, but to actively show it by reading their partners’ text.
• If they can, allow them to record each other so they that have a record of how others act when reading.
108 Teacher’s Book / Practice 6