Page 112 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 112
Activity 24 (continues)
Activity 25
• Help your students clear up any
confusion they may have about
the questions for the machine
they chose. However, consider
that in this activity there is no
exact answer for the questions.
The answers will depend on
each team’s point of view; thus,
what really matters is that they
reflect on their work and decide
whether they deem it clear
for others.
• Remind your students to
double-check that they have
covered every question and
that their answers are correct.
That way, once they are carrying
out more complex activities
(such as linking sentences or
composing their draft), they
won’t need to rush back to finish
the task.
• While the example in the book
is in the same order as the flow
chart, it is only so for the sake
of clarity. The order of their
infographic can be better dealt
with once they make their
flow chart.
Activity 26
• Take different examples of flow charts on different subjects to class, so that your students become familiar
with them and how ideas are linked on them, whether in a sequence or in a hierarchy.
• Help your students put their flow chart in order as a preview of what their infographic would look like. This
will ease the transition from flow charts to their infographics later on in this practice.
• The idea of using a flow chart is to see the links between ideas in a graphic way and check whether the
flow of information, i.e., which ideas go before and which after, is clear.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 6 111