Page 114 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 114

Activity 28 (continues)
                                                                                 • Remind your students that, when
                                                                                   composing their paragraphs,
                                                                                   the main idea should not
                                                                                   always be at the beginning.
                                                                                   Different positions create
                                                                                   different effects. For example,
                                                                                   you can build anticipation by
                                                                                   waiting to express the main
                                                                                   idea at the end; you can build
                                                                                   some anticipation, then write
                                                                                   the main idea and go on with
                                                                                   some supporting ideas. Help
                                                                                   your students try out different
                                                                                   paragraph patterns.

                                                                                 Activity 29
                                                                                 • This is a chance to go over
                                                                                   the use of modal verbs
                                                                                   when asking questions and
                                                                                   making affirmative or
                                                                                   negative statements.
                                                                                 • Ask your students to look for
                                                                                   the modals (should, would,
                                                                                   will) employed in the
                                                                                   previous activities.
                                                                                 • Using modals is not strictly
                                                                                   necessary, however, it is one
                                                                                   of the central issues involved
                                                                                   in improving their level of
                                                                                   proficiency, so your students
                                                                                   should get as much practice
                                                                                   with them as they can.
              • Some answers for the questions might be: a. No, it wouldn’t be necessary; b. Yes, we must really make
               room for doing so; c. We would like to include them, but we have to check the available space.
              • Students may give longer answers than these. The examples are only indicative.
              Activity 30
              • Help your students check that the arrangement of information and the graphic resources used are
               consistent with those that were established in Activities 7, 9 and 29. If not, offer guidance to correct
               those issues.

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