Page 116 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 116
Activity 31
• Monitor the teams’ discussion
on the posters’ improvement. If
you notice anything that could
be improved, tell your students
so that they can make the
proper changes according to
the topic, the purpose and the
addressee they established.
• As previously, do not obsess
over every single mistake.
As the saying goes, “to err
is human”, and even native
speakers will make minor
mistakes from time to time. Try
to focus on eliminating mistakes
that will impede communication,
especially if you are running
out of time.
• With this pedagogical approach,
as you can see, composing the
first draft is just combining the
parts that have already been
done. This should allow more
time to review their work.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 6 115