Page 119 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 119
Practice 7
Activity 1
• Play the track once and
afterwards ask students what it
rack 36 • Use this opportunity to model
was about.
T comprehension strategies, such
as anticipating and predicting
what happened next in
Wangari Maathai’s life, with the
environment, or with The Green
Belt Movement.
• Ask students to scan the chart
and answer any questions they
may have.
• Replay the track and allow some
time for students to complete
the chart.
• Encourage them to talk about
what parts of the track can
be applied to Mexico, if the
movement could be successful
here, or something else that you
think they will relate to.
• The CD icon will appear
throughout the practice to
indicate the activity the track is linked to. However, remember the way we order activities is a suggestion
and you may change them to suit the purposes you established with your students.
118 Teacher’s Book / Practice 7